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Privacy Policy


The protection of personal data is a high priority for many internet users and an essential basis for a pleasant and satisfactory use of the internet.

secova USA, Inc. always pays great attention to the questions and concerns of the customers and other visitors of our website regarding data protection and complies with the data protection laws in Germany and abroad as well as the corresponding regulations of the European Union.


Therefore, we already decided years ago to perform a full data protection and data security certification. This is confirmed by experts and applies to all secova operating processes as well as our software sam®.

Furthermore, with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into force, we would also like to fulfil our duty of information.


The responsible body in line with the data protection law is:

secova USA, Inc.
474 North Lacke Shore Drive
Suite 4908
Chicago, IL 60611

If you wish to contact the data protection officer directly, please use the email address: 



Queries to the data protection officer are automatically recorded in our service ticket system to document the activities. If you wish to contact the data protection officer directly, please use the following email address:


When you visit our secova website, we collect various data.

This includes, for example, your contact data (name, email address, telephone number, IP address) if you are using our contact forms.

In addition, we record anonymously how visitors move around our website in order to identify website optimizations or errors. To do so, we use tools like Google Analytics and Mouseflow, which are based on JavaScript and cookies. Further details on that can be found in the cookie settings of our website.

If there are interactive buttons of facebook (“like buttons” or others), visitors or “likes” are recorded and saved via this interface.


Generally, we use the aforementioned data exclusively internally for the implementation and fulfilment of services and orders as well as individual customer contact.

We do not transmit data to third parties unless they have a contractual relationship with secova that complies with the GDPR.

At any time, you can ask for the deletion of your stored data. In this case, please contact us.


Our website uses cookies for various purposes. On the one hand to permanently optimize our website, on the other hand to be able to use our online chat or to display videos. Our picture gallery and Google maps use cookies too. Also our website optimization tool Optimizely. Further details on which cookies are used, can be found in the cookie settings.


If you would like to find out more about the used cookie settings or if you want to change them, you can do so here:

[borlabs-cookie type=”btn-cookie-preference” title=”My Cookie Preferences”/]


We use Zoom to conduct online meetings, webinars or remote maintenance (supplier: Zoom Video Communications, Inc).

Screen contents as well as voice contents are transmitted and, if necessary, recorded or displayed, provided that you have consented through your active participation.

As legal basis for the data processing in connection with Zoom, we refer to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR, as we need the services of Zoom to fulfil our contractual obligations. For webinars, reference is made as well to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) as a pre-contractual measure on request, since a corresponding registration is necessary.


The necessary adequate data protection level with Zoom is guaranteed by measures:

Zoom is certified by the US Department of Commerce under the Privacy Shield Program. Secova has concluded a contract based on the EU standard contract clauses with Zoom.

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