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Training course hazardous goods - Your
sam® service of secova free of charge

Hazardous Goods

General information regarding the training course hazardous goods

In this category, the training courses are focused on the transport of dangerous goods on the road (ADR). In the training course “Hazardous Goods – Basics” you receive basic knowledge on the transport of hazardous goods. The correct labelling, accompanying documents and exceptions (excepted quantities, 1,000 point rule) are three of the main points in this training course. 

Specific training courses are addressed to persons involved in the transport of dangerous goods, from the sender to the driver and recipient to ensure that everybody knows his/her duties. As with all the free of charge training courses in sam®, this series is always kept up to date with the latest legal changes according to the ADR requirements.

Training courses for hazardous goods

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