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Risk Assessment Software online

Risk assessment software online

Secova: Danger recognized – and avoided!

This sam® module helps to carry out and document the operational risk assessment (OSHA and GHS).

Whether you want to analyze and evaluate activities, work areas, hazardous substances, machines, processes or work equipment – sam® is the perfect tool.

Are you looking for an easy tool for your operational risk assessment?

Thanks to sam®, endless word/excel sheets are things of the past.

Measures are quickly distributed, operating instructions created or an EMF evaluation carried out – the sam® module is functionally well thought-out and ingeniously easy to use!

Use workplace related information for your employees!

Provide the necessary information at any time to all your employees.

Furthermore, the module offers very special highlights: Companies can assign individual, workplace-specific information to each employee. Employees can actively be involved in the process of risk assessment (keyword recurring risk assessment process). In practice, this would be hardly conceivable without a system like sam®.

sam® – Risk Assessment – activities, work areas, substances…

Questions regarding the sam® Risk Assessment

Use the integrated sam® Hazardous Substance Management to seamlessly master the assessment of hazardous substances. The administration of safety data sheets, operating instructions, release procedures and a comprehensive reporting system complete the module.

Can hazardous substances also be assessed?

Yes. sam® is the right place to store your safety data sheets and helps you in a comfortable way to create the necessary operating instructions. You alone determine the layout of the operating instructions. In addition, you can guarantee each employee access to the relevant documents for each activity and workplace.

Can operating instruction be created?

The module also provides the appropriate functions for preparing the risk assessment for mental stress. Within sam® you have the choice between employee survey or observation variant.

Can psychological risk assessments be prepared?

With your additional, electronic helper for your pocket – our sam® EHS Manager – you always have the possibility of processing a risk assessment on the spot. Record the risks, create measures or store photos of hazardous situations – everything is recorded on your smartphone with just a few clicks and updated in your sam® database.

Can risk assessments be prepared on a mobile basis?




2,6 million+ users prove it a thousand times – every day!

sam® by secova is the leading EHS solution on the market in terms of technology, usability and functionality.

In all matters relating to OSHA, EHS, HR, QM – with sam you have the perfect tool for almost all situations and tasks.

Do not settle for less.

Why? Our reference customers are very happy to tell you.

Talk to us.

Your team from secova.

Start your Risk Assessment in a simple and understandable way today!

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Optional additions:

incident management, incident tracking

sam® Incident Management

The electronic sam® Incident Management is also an optimal extension.

gatekeeper, contractor training, visitor management

sam® Gatekeeper

The electronic sam® Gatekeeper is also an optimal extension.

ehs base system

sam® Base System

The electronic sam® Base System is also an optimal extension.

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