OSHA Psychological Stress - Useful Facts for Employees
Psychological stress in the workplace is becoming increasingly important. In the meantime, almost every third employee is affected by it. There can be numerous causes and different characteristics. Recognizing these at an early stage offers the best protection for employees and helps managers to take preventive measures.
Content of this sam® Training Course:
What is psychological stress?
- Characteristics
Good climate?
- Causes
Solutions / Resources
How does the sam® EHS Solution System support employees on the topic of psychological stress?
What exactly are psychological stresses and strains?
How can I recognize them, what are the causes and what protection/solution options can help me?
Psychological stress is now the second most common cause of work-related health problems (right behind back problems). These are external influences that affect perception, information processing and emotions.
Symptoms can include listlessness, exhaustion and inner restlessness, as well as physical and behavioral changes.
The possible causes are just as complex: A closer look at the “working climate” – especially from the point of view of the respective employees – can help to identify possible impairments.
Recognizing and identifying psychological stress is an important step. It is just as important to know what employees can do about it. It is clear: There are no patent answers, but many possible solutions for those affected.
With its instruction system, sam® offers the ideal support for this complex and sensitive topic. And this equally for employees as well as for their responsible managers. The various aspects are presented in a clear, well-structured and easy-to-understand manner.
Which signs indicate that I am suffering from mental stress?
What are the physical symptoms? What about the working atmosphere – are there strains and what possible causes could they have? What can I do myself – even in acute stress situations? What influence can my personal resources have?
Our browser-based sam® Instruction System can provide valuable help here by providing everything worth knowing and many tips.
The duties of instruction in occupational health and safety are extensive and constantly increasing. With the sam® Electronic Instruction System, you can individually assign only the topics that apply to your employees. A decisive factor in the high acceptance of our software solution is its ease of use. Because despite its high functionality, it is as simple as an ATM.
A software for instructions - isn't it all much too complicated for my employees?This can be achieved with an effective effectiveness check. A sophisticated system of questions checks whether the knowledge transfer was actually successful and then confirms this.
How can I be sure that my employees have really understood all the information?In addition to the informative part about manifestations, causes and symptoms, the sam®-Training also offer concrete tips and recommendations for action (also for the responsible managers) including various short exercises for self-help. More precise knowledge and appropriate action also lead to more effective prevention – demonstrably the best protection.
How can sam® contribute to the recognition and possible defense against psychological stress?