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How does secova ensure the quality and ergonomic of the training course content and software?

All training course content and instructions by secova are exclusively created by experts with many years of experience (learning didactics, learning psychology, ergonomic, software development, etc.). The basic research and technical examination is carried out by other specialists in our team. This way, we can guarantee high quality, especially in the areas of occupational safety, health, environmental protection and quality management. This also applies to all adjoining subject areas like radiation protection, explosion protection, Ordinance on Hazardous Substances, etc.) All training courses go through a multi-stage testing and quality process before they are released and delivered. Several external partners, who regularly check the secova quality standards, are also involved in this process. secova closely works together with technicians of the university of Osnabrück and the chair of cognition research. In all process steps, the human perception and reading behaviour of learners is analyzed and continuously optimized with regard to the content and software elements of the sam® system. This is a continuous process in the further development of learning content and the entire software sam®. Would you like to learn more about it? Please feel free to contact us.

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